HIKE, BIKE, SKI or RIDE THE KVT (equestrian use designated between Westline & Tally Ho Trailheads, and US Route 219 & Guffey only)
DONATIONS CAN BE SENT TO: KVTC, 31 CCC Road, Westline PA 16740
The Kinzua Valley Trail Club was formed in 1999 from a nucleus of outdoors enthusiasts that had up until that time maintained various cross-country ski trails in the area of Westline, Pa. Together, they envisioned a non-motorized recreational trail running from Kinzua Bridge State Park to the Red Bridge Camping area of the Allegheny National Forest.
The first step came when Westline was granted a 4-mile easement of the old Valley Railroad grade by Forest Investments Associates of Atlanta, Ga. To date, the Kinzua Valley Trail Club has built 10 miles of trail, spanning from Westline to Red Bridge; Westline to US Route 219 (Tally Ho) and work is underway to extend the trail another 11 miles to Kinzua Bridge State Park.
Initially, a post-and-beam oak bridge was built over Thundershower Run, and improvements were made to an access road allowing construction equipment to work on the trail. Over the years, the Club erected 3 new bridges over Libby Run, Whiting Run & Markham Run, and replaced the old bridge at Thundershower Run. The Kinzua Valley Trail was extended to the Red Bridge area of the Allegheny National Forest in the summer of 2016.
When completed, the trail will traverse 21 miles, winding its way through some of the most picturesque forest land that Pennsylvania has to offer. The gentle grade of the former railroad bed will allow people of all ages and physical abilities to experience its beauty.
The Kinzua Valley Trail is an important recreational, educational, and economic asset to the local region. Kinzua Valley Trail Club is devoted to maintaining and improving the trail with the help of donations, membership dues, DCNR matching funds, fundraising events and the dedication of local volunteers. The KVTC was incorporated as a nonprofit [501 (c)(3)] charitable organization by the State of Pennsylvania in 2001. The Club has since attracted more than 180 members who continue to support & blaze the trail.
Mike Cummin
Cindy Master
President - Don Cummins
V. President - Jonathan Pomeroy
Secretary - Carolyn Stroup
Treasurer - Sarah Coy
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