HIKE, BIKE, SKI or RIDE THE KVT (equestrian use designated between Westline & Tally Ho Trailheads, and US Route 219 & Guffey only)
Construction is now underway for the final section through the Allegheny national forest. this is east of tally ho to Guffey, utilizing the old Guffey road to the mj2kb trail that connects to the Kinzua bridge state park.
us route 219 to guffey equestrians
The Kinzua Valley Trail gently winds alongside the Kinzua Creek, following the path of the old “Valley Railroad” grade that cuts through one of the most magnificent valleys in the Pennsylvania Wilds region. The trail currently spans 10 miles in McKean County within the Allegheny National Forest, the trail is designated as non-motorized except for electric-powered wheelchairs (no golf carts or similar vehicles). Hiking, biking, jogging and cross-country skiing are all approved uses for the trail, and equestrian use is permitted between the Westline Trailhead and Tally Ho Trailhead. In the summer of 2016, the Kinzua Valley Trail was extended four miles from Markham Run to Red Bridge; 2 miles from the Village of Westline to Olivedale. the KVTC received a grant on 2021 from DCNR and has developed additional trail from Westline, down Camp Run Road to the Kinzua Creek (this area known as “Olivedale”). Now that the bridge is in place across the Kinzua Creek, the trail continues to US RT 219 (TallyHo). Work is ongoing to blaze the trail 11 more miles to the Kinzua Bridge State Park.
Trailheads are currently located in the Village of Westline, near the intersection of Westline and Church roads, on U.S. Route 219 near its intersection with Westline Road (Tally Ho) and the Red Bridge Recreation Area (US Route 321)
The trail is 8 feet wide of crushed limestone with a 2-foot berm on each side.
The Kinzua Valley Trail currently spans from US Route 219 (Tally Ho) to the Village of Westline, and from the Westline Trailhead to Route 321 (ANF Red Bridge Recreational Area) - approx. 10 miles.
Once the final part trail section from red bridge to kinzua bridge state park is completed, there will be 21 miles of trail with a total of 4 trailheads and 6 bridges.
Electric & Regular Bike Rentals Available
Call Alleghany Adventure Rentals at (814)598-6698 for more information